Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hey Camera, Watch Out!

A crazed Newt is a dangerous thing. All cameras must beware. Ears back, glazed eyes and soon to be chomping teeth all appear when the camera is near!
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Newt - Defender Against Lambs

Sometimes stuffed lambs attack the bedroom. It is the duty of all small chihuahuas to find and destroy all such wooly toys. Beware lambs, beware the destroyer they call Newt.
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Puppy Preschool

Sunday was Newt's first trainign class. Well it was puppy preschool so mostly a socialization thing with a little work on sitting. Newt doesn't like to sit it seems. Well she likes to sit on our laps, but not the floor. It was funny to see her in a class with puppies half her age but 4 times her size. Needless to say she wasa little scared, though ended up playing well with another tiny pup named Lily.

Upon arriving at home we found that Newt can in fact sit. But she chooses where she will do it. She tends to like soft comfy places like her bed or our bed. Well it is a start anyway.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Evil Brooms Must be Stopped

While outdoors is not normally our favorite place, our fancy little Newt decided that it was worth braving the great outdoors in order to save the world from the threat of the broom.
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